Days 15-16 [70km] - nelson head → reddi lake

I now travelled north west following the Rufus river valley.  The snow covered wet grasses made for decent hiking, and I was so cold that I didn’t want to stop for any breaks.

I passed by a Muskox with a newborn, as well as a young curious caribou.  When I reached the north end of the Rufus river basin I needed to hike across two passes and cross two large rivers. 

The first pass was 15km and I set up tent in a sheltered area at the top of the pass.  The strong winds continued.

Visibility was down to 50 metres at higher altitudes, so I navigated by steadily watching my compass and GPS.

The next morning my tent and trekking poles were coated in ice, and the small flowers and plants were also shrouded in a layer of ice.

As I hiked from the higher regions towards Reddi Lake the weather turned more temperate. 

I descended from the snow covered passes to green valleys. 

I wrapped my sleeping bag and tent around my pack so they could dry out in the wind.  My last two large river crossings went smoothly.